Are you still singing, LSC?
Not only is the gulf of points widening between LSC and the top 4*, they are moving closer to being in the same half as their perenial neighbouring rival, JFC. Last season second place team, Nisteroy said "Doesn't matter what he say la, as long as he still below me."
How true that rings ...
When asked to comment on their rivalry with LSC, TT manager commented philosophically, "We are not concerned with them. We are after results for ourselves, the team, the fans. They can say whatever they want. We are judged by results and at this moment, being in 11th place, I don't think they have the right to be posting any comments here. We don't even hear the Maniacs blowing their trumpet as yet after climbing up the top spot, so what logic can a mediocre team like LSC have to say anything about any other team in this league."
Timmissimo ... Timmissimo ...
Are you Luxemburgo in disguise?
Timmissimo ... Luxemburgo ...
Are you one and the same? One and the same?
* Ed's note - Only the top 4 teams have exceeded the 500 point mark after 5 weeks of play.
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